Oil Change Reminder Labels and Printers

Printer Program Form

Click here to download our printer program form; please fill out required fields (up to 16 characters, including spaces and symbols), and return.  If this is for a printer
REPROGRAM, the form must accompany the printer, in the same box, and be sent to:

McCourt Label Company
20 Egbert Lane 
Lewis Run, PA 16738

Printer reprograms have a fee of $95.  Printer diagnostics have a fee of $35.

If this is a NEW printer program, the form can be sent to the above address, or to mail@oilstickers.com.

When sending a printer in for a REPROGRAM, please include a roll of the labels that you have been using for testing purposes.  *WARNING* Do not ship label roll inside printer, as it will cause damage in shipment, instead, remove label roll from printer and ship in the same box.